
What’s the word on the street? 

A selection of quotes, testimonials and reviews from over the years


“…never says a word in either of his acts tonight, but his accomplished grasp of stagecraft speaks volumes.”
The Londonist


“acclaimed clown Kiki … a standout of the London scene … who bravely crosses creative boundaries with innovative and impressive acts”
This Is Cabaret


“Almost every line brings a chuckle, giggle or squeal of hilarity from the young audience – and many adults too – as  Jack Stark and Anna Larkin romp through zanily comic dialogue and clown-style storytelling. Skilfully improvising around rehearsed key lines, plot themes and focal props, multi-talented Anna Larkin and Jack Stark create a fast-paced and constantly funny children’s show.”
The Stage 


“he shows there was no need to stop in and watch BGT with fantastically inventive cabaret turns”
Exposed Magazine


“An amazing clown. That might be a strange compliment, but I dare you to watch his hour long exploration of the afterlife and not feel better about being alive. It’s never complicated but his enthusiasm and stage craft makes the audience forget itself in laughter. What sets his show apart is the quality of his audience interactions. Twice during the show I thought that the audience member was a plant, that‘s how good they were.”
Theatre Full Stop

“… a beautifully well-executed comedy show. A simple and silly two-hander, it features mime artist and clown Jack Stark as the title character, a man who tells us he does indeed know everything. Stark’s role here is fully speaking and very physical, playing alongside Anna Larkin in an equal – and equally demanding – part as his foil. The pair work well together, building a rapport with spark, very visual action (the closing magic trick is spectacular).”
The List

“He proves how unnecessary words can be … His show is beautifully paced and … sweeps his audience into a world of fun and fantasy unlimited by earthly notions. Anything can happen on his stage and does … shared by a captivated audience. Nothing verbal can describe the magic of this production, and why should it? The show is an unforgettable hour that cannot fail to make you laugh and love being alive.”
***** The Latest


“… he displayed a virtuoso masterclass in physical comedy. There are a lot of clown or physical theatre acts in cabaret these days that are not completely thought through … [but Kiki’s] antics rise far above the usual fare.”
This is Cabaret


” … very much impressed. He was definitely a highlight of the evening, which is impressive considering he was surrounded by such great talent. Kiki regularly brought the house to its knees.”
Gay Times


“Sheets is Kiki at his charming, mesmerizing best. … He fills us all with wonder, laughter and love. His performance is always touching, always funny and somehow more beautiful than a sunrise, a sunset or an enchanted forest. His is a unique work of art.”
Fringe Review


“An exceptionally talented performer and his creativity is intriguingly channelled into this show”
Broadway Baby


“The Weatherman is a delight … Kiki has died and been sent to purgatory, a rather pleasant place full of interesting boxes, suitcases and a machine which controls the weather. The result is hilarious as he explores the boxes – there is a lovely gag when plumbing the depths of one that promises much – the hand plunges through the bottom and ends up grabbing what might be the contents, much to Kiki’s surprise.”
Reviews Gate


“A wonderfully entertaining performance, Kiki sends the crowd into a wave of laughter and finishes with an ‘encore’ – a true performer and entertainer, with his parody of tease and strip, he is worthy of a first place…!”
Burlesque Map London


“a touch of class”
Erotic Review


“A pick of the best… although he seems to be missing some toes”
Bizarre Magazine


“Left the audience asking ‘How the f**k did he do that?’ Astounding”
Fluid London


“Burlesque with a difference, bringing some parodic humour to the show”
Burlesque Map London